Offre de thèse en phénotypage de blé (Gembloux – Belgique)
janvier 12, 2019
Un jeune entrepreneur camerounais développe l’aquaponie pour l’agriculture de son pays
janvier 16, 2019Améliorer l’agriculture: la solution réside-t-elle dans la technologie?
Cette enquête de l’Union Européenne à destination des agriculteurs sur l’usage des AgTech, dans toute l’UE, est en anglais, mais le questionnaire est traduit en 22 langues. Voici le lien vers l’enquête en Français:
Description du projet:
In an agricultural market where gross margin and profitability are becoming increasingly tighter, the application of Precision Agriculture Technologies (PAT) can potentially contribute to a better economic, environmental and social farm performance. These technologies, including the use of information technology, satellite positioning data, remote sensing and proximal data collection, can optimise production efficiency, improve working conditions, increase farmers’ income, and reduce unintended impacts on the environment.
To get a better view on the use of Precision Agriculture Technologies in European agriculture, a partnership including the European Commission is launching a survey for European farmers. The survey wants to learn more about European farmers’ awareness and experiences on Precision Agriculture Technologies. Both users and non-users of PAT are welcome to fill in the questions.
The survey is available in English through this link.
Translations in 22 other European languages can be found through this link.