Sujet de thèse ACV – Traitement de données
octobre 2, 2014Un drone pour aller au coeur d’un volcan
octobre 3, 2014Un sujet de thèse financé par le landcarereasearch center.
A three year, full-time PhD scholarship is offered to a suitable candidate to study precision irrigation methods, aiming to maximise the benefits from irrigated land. This PhD study will use innovative sensing methods to assess spatial and temporal variability of soil
and plant attributes that relate to water uptake. The sensing methods will include Vis-NIR spectroscopy, electromagnetic and gamma soil surveys. The aim is to fine-tune placement of irrigation to maximise its utilisation by the plant, and minimise deleterious environmental impacts, such as nutrient leaching.
Please contact: Dr Carolyn Hedley for further information ( )
Applications Close: 15 November, 2014
Toutes les informations : Landcare Research Precision Irrigation PhD Scholarship Announcement