L’université de Cornell cherche un post doc en viticulture de précision

Stage Limagrain – Création et implémentation d’une application mobile d’expérimentation agricole.
février 3, 2017
La 3D en viticulture : une technologie qui arrive à maturité selon les derniéres recherches
février 6, 2017
Stage Limagrain – Création et implémentation d’une application mobile d’expérimentation agricole.
février 3, 2017
La 3D en viticulture : une technologie qui arrive à maturité selon les derniéres recherches
février 6, 2017
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L’université de Cornell cherche un post doc en viticulture de précision

A postdoctoral research associate position is available at the Cornell Lake Erie Research and Extension Laboratory in Portland, New York. The primary responsibility of this position will be to conduct studies that will be useful for generating information on temporal and spatial vineyard crop load management for improved fruit quality. An interdisciplinary team of juice, wine, and table grape industry leaders, university and industry engineers, and university viticulturists has been formed to develop and evaluate new sensor technology for improved vineyard management and production efficiency. Objectives include integrating viticulture, engineering, and educational solutions which measure and respond to canopy and crop variability, collect and manage vineyard information, reduce labor costs through automation of repetitive tasks, and foster adoption of new technologies and management practices through socio-economic analysis and industry education.

Toutes les informations pour candidater : PrecisionViticuturePostDocAnnouncement_Bates