Ingénieur d'étude (Développement BD et Web)
mars 4, 2013L'électronique fait progresser la régularité de l'épandage des amendements organiques
mars 7, 2013JOB VACANCY: Engineer in environmental information systems (deadline: 30 April 2013)
The project OT-Med is a « labex » funded by the French national programme « Investissement d’Avenir » for the period 2012-2019 ( OT-Med has the objective to study the impacts of environmental change (climate, land use etc) on ecosystem resources and services, as well as on human society in the Mediterranean Basin. One of its major crosscutting activities is the connection of observation systems related to the project, improving interoperability of the existing databases and synthesising regional datasets for the modelling team. The engineer will be major resource person of this activity.
Duties and tasks
The main duty and task of the engineer will be to provide to the scientists of OT-Med environmental datasets necessary for their research and adequate tools to use them in an optimal way, in particular:
to make a survey of the existing datasets related to global change in the Mediterranean, and in particular the Marseille region
to build a web-based metadata catalog
to develop a web-based geographical information system to locate the identified georeferenced data-sets
to develop user friendly interfaces to access the data
to interact with the concerned scientists and engineers (in particular those working in the Pytheas observatories) for an optimal use of these data
to prepare an user manual and to assist the scientists in the use of these data
Main skills needed
Good knowledge of database design and management
Good knowledge of geographical information systems
Good knowledge of cataloguing and metadata services
General knowledge of marine and terrestrial environmental data, including the socio-economical aspects
Good knowledge of at least one programming languages, in particular C, Fortran, …
Good knowledge of spoken and written English
To be autonomous and to appreciate the team work
To be able to develop personal and collaborative projects
Type of contract
Fixed term contract (CDD): two years with possible renewal
The work place will be at the Europôle de l’Arbois, 12 km from Aix-en-Provence, France
Gross salary 1765 – 2200 €/month (depending on diploma and experience)
How to apply
Send resume and cover letter to Sophie Bonifay, Administrative Director of the project OT-Med: CEREGE BP 80 Europole Mediterraneen de l’Arbois 13545 Aix-en-Provence cedex 4 (France)
Deadline for application: 30th April 2013
Starting date: 1st June 2013 or later
Supplementary information: Joël Guiot (, Director of OT-Med
The project OT-Med is a « labex » funded by the French national programme « Investissement d’Avenir » for the period 2012-2019 ( OT-Med has the objective to study the impacts of environmental change (climate, land use etc) on ecosystem resources and services, as well as on human society in the Mediterranean Basin. One of its major crosscutting activities is the connection of observation systems related to the project, improving interoperability of the existing databases and synthesising regional datasets for the modelling team. The engineer will be major resource person of this activity.
Duties and tasks
The main duty and task of the engineer will be to provide to the scientists of OT-Med environmental datasets necessary for their research and adequate tools to use them in an optimal way, in particular:

Main skills needed

Type of contract

How to apply
Send resume and cover letter to Sophie Bonifay, Administrative Director of the project OT-Med: CEREGE BP 80 Europole Mediterraneen de l’Arbois 13545 Aix-en-Provence cedex 4 (France)
Deadline for application: 30th April 2013
Starting date: 1st June 2013 or later
Supplementary information: Joël Guiot (, Director of OT-Med