12th international symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences

CDD Ingénieur de recherche en développement d’applications en télédétection
avril 24, 2016
OvinAlp recrute un chef de projet scientifique et innovation
avril 25, 2016
CDD Ingénieur de recherche en développement d’applications en télédétection
avril 24, 2016
OvinAlp recrute un chef de projet scientifique et innovation
avril 25, 2016
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12th international symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences

1st registration call

Montpellier-France, 5-8 July 2016

« The 12th international symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences »

Registration open !

Earlybird registration : 19 May 2016
Deadline registration : 15 June 2016

See fees and conditions on the web site

 Register here

5th July Workshops available

« The spatial analysis of accuracy using geographically weighted frameworks »
Prof. Alexis Comber (Leeds Univ., UK) and Dr. Paul Harris (Rothamsted Research, UK)
full day workshop*

« Bayesian calibration and spatial uncertainty propagation »
Prof. Gerard B.M. Heuvelink (Wageningen, NL) and Prof. Sytze de Bruin (Wageningen, NL)
full day workshop*

« Positional accuracy assessment and control »
Prof. F.J. Ariza-López (Jaén Univ.) & Prof. J. Rodríguez-Avi (Jaén Univ.)
half-day workshop*

Detailed Workshop program here

* due to limited room capacities for wokshops, full symposimum particpants are prioriterized


Linda J. YOUNG

Statistician in Chief and Director in USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), in Washington DC (USA).

Clémentine PRIEUR

Professor in applied mathematics, Grenoble University-INRIA.


Professor in Geography and Environment, Southampton and Lancaster Universities

Isabelle BLOCH

Professor in image processing and uncertainty theory at Télécom ParisTech-CNRS

Laureat of the Blaise Pascal Académie des sciences 2015 medal 

Laureat of the Peter Burrrough 2016 medal